Photos often find their way outside the user's orbit, he says, but aren't usually leaked with malicious intent. 他说,照片经常会脱离所有者的控制,但它们通常不是出于恶意才被泄露的。
You also need to protect against people within your own organization who might have malicious intent. 您还需要防御您组织内拥有恶意企图的人。
The data levels or categories can be set up arbitrarily, but typically they group data according to the level of damage that would occur if the data is accessed by someone with malicious intent. 数据级别或分类可任意设置,但通常是根据恶意用户访问数据造成的破坏程度分组的。
Sadly, even when we are sure that the software was not created with malicious intent, we are susceptible to trust problems. 可悲的是,即使我们确信这不是一个含有恶意目的的软件我们也会对信任问题产生怀疑。
There is evidence to indicate that we have seen destructive activity with malicious intent that was initiated by a sophisticated actor. '' 有证据显示,我们发现了破坏活动,其意图险恶,始作俑者老奸巨猾。
There is no doubt whoever obtained these photos have been uploaded them on the Internet with malicious and deliberate intent. 这是毫无疑问的,谁获得这些照片已上载他们在互联网上的恶意和故意的意图。
Benevolent; without malicious intent. 善意的,没有恶意的企图。
With malicious intent, this could have been a phishing site, fooling the user into revealing personal details. 如果带有恶意目的,所连向的可能是欺骗用户吐露个人信息的网络钓鱼(phishing)网站。
He walked between them, whether with malicious or mischievous intent was not wholly clear, even to himself. 罗伯特走在他俩中间,是出于恶意还是调皮,连他自己也没弄明白。
Spreading a rumor with malicious intent. 不怀好意地散播谣言。
Charge falsely or with malicious intent; attack the good name and reputation of someone. 错误地或怀有恶意地控告;攻击一个人的好名声或名誉。
By replacing this file, a user who has malicious intent can design a query to access confidential information and distribute it to other users or perform other harmful actions. 通过替换此文件,恶意用户可以设计查询来访问机密信息并将这些信息分发给其他人,或执行其他有害操作。
Deliberately based on their degree of malignancy can be divided into subjective and general malicious intent. 故意根据其主观恶性的程度可以分为恶意及一般故意。